luni, 18 octombrie 2010

Kitab Ar Rooh- The Book of The Soul

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,




The son of Abdel-Barr said: It was confirmed from the Holy Prophet (may the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) who had said: No Muslim who passes by the grave of his brother, knowing him in the world, and he salutes him, but Allah (The Exalted) returns on him his soul, until (the dead) returns the salutation. This is a text that the dead knows him in specific, and he returns the salutation.

And in the two Sahihs, from him (may the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) from many phases: That he had ordered with the slain during Badr to be thrown in Qulaib (well). Then he came until he stood over them and he called them by their names: O, Such, the son of Such, and O, Such, the son of Such, did you find what your Lord had promised you? That I found what really my Lord had promised me. Thereupon Umar said to him: O, Messenger of Allah, do you talk to dead people. He (may the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said then: By whom had sent me with the right, you do not hear me with what I say more than them. But they are not able to answer.

And it was confirmed from him (may the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) : That the dead hears the tapping of the scuffs of the escorts, if they go away from him.

The Holy Prophet (may the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) had legalized for his nation, if they were to salute the people of the graves, the way they are talking to them. Thereupon he said: Peace be upon you, the dwelling of believing people. This is the talking of who hears and minds- If it were not like that, then this sermon is in the rank of the nonexisting and the solid.The ancestors agreed on this, and the traces had been recurred from them that the dead knows with the visit of the living to him and he rejoices at it.

Abu Bakr Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ubaidullah bin Abu Ad Dunia, in the book of the graves, had mentioned in the chapter of the recognition of the dead with the visit of the living:

Zayd bin Aslam had narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) who said: No one who visits the grave of his brother and sits on it , but the latter listens, and answers until he stands up.

On the authority of Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: If the man passes by the grave of his brother, knowing him and saluting him, but the latter answers the salutation. As well he recognizes him. But if he passes by a grave not knowing him, but saluting him, he also answers the salutation.

A man of the family of Asem Al- Juhdari said: I saw Asem Al-Juhdari in my dream after two years of his death. I said to him: Did you not die? He said: Certainly. I said: Then where are you? He said: I am, by Allah, in a garden of the gardens of Paradise. I and a group of my companions. We gather every Friday night and morning to Abu Bakr bin Abdullah Al-Muzni, and we hear about you. I said: Your bodies or souls? He said: I wish but out bodies are decayed, and the souls meet. I said: Do you know with our visit to you? He said: Yes, we know about it during the period between Friday evening, and the rising of the sun on Saturday. I said: Then how is that without the other days? He said: Because of the excellence of Friday and its greatness.

Hasan Al-Kassab had narrated, he said: I used to go with Muhammad bin Wase every Saturday morning, until we come to the gravedigger, and we used to stop at the graves. We used to salute them and to invoke for them. Thereafter we used to go away. I said one day: if you change this day, for Monday? He said: It reached me that the dead do know with their visitors on Friday, a day before and a day after.

Sufyan Ath-Thawri had narrated to us: It reached me from Ad-Dahhak. We said: That who visits a grave on Saturday before the rising of the sun, the dead knows about his visit. It was said to him: And how is that? He said: Because of the position of Friday.

Abu At-Tiyah said: Mutraf used to go in the morning, and if it were Friday he used to walk at night. He said: I heard Abu At-Tiyah saying: It reached us that he used to get the light by his whip. He came one night, that when he was at the graves of his people, riding on his mare, and he saw the people of the graves, every owner of a grave sitting on his grave. They said then: This is Mutraf coming on Friday. I said: And do you know about them on Friday? They said: Yes, and we do know what the birds say during that time. I said: And what do they say? They said: Peace be upon you, peace be upon you.

-to be continued, inshaAllah-

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